So timely for me. I just spent the afternoon talking with a friend about and around this. An afternoon spent talking in person and not on our phones. Not being influenced, memed, or click baited. I love your take on social media and have been thinking about it since your previous essay.

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<3 thanks for reading Nikki! I love hours with friends where I forget my phone exists. I'm in this habit of always googling facts I don't know mid-conversation, and I'm trying to resist even that because maybe I don't need to know every fact immediately all the time, haha

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Bring the spirit of a 16th century Flemish art monster to my Substack? Yes please! I couldn't love this any more. 💚

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Hahaha, I love his pieces. You can actually view them all for free on the National Gallery of Art website, here :) https://www.nga.gov/collection/artist-info.2569.html

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